Very straight forward, create a user, a home folder, assign permissions to it, you’re done ! This create a simple user, with no particular rights. useradd johnyluky passwd johnyluky mkdir /home/johnyluky chown johnyluky:users /home/johnyluky Anyone wants to pitch in to add a bit more to this ? Add more rights to the users for specific ..
category : General
SSH to the web server cd into your wordpress forlder; cd /var/www/html/mywpfolder Make Apache the owner chown apache:apache -R * Change all sub-folder’s permissions to rwxr-xr-x (0755); find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; Change all files’s permissions to rw-r–r– (0644); find . -type f -exec chmod..
If you ssh to a box and get the following error message: Warning: the ECDSA host key for ‘host’ differs from the key for the IP address ‘’ It means that, or someone is doing something nasty on your network, like a Man in the middle attack, or you have recently reinstalled your host, and ..
You can achieve this with 3 simple steps: 1- Create you local key on your host (where you will be connecting from) ssh-keygen -t rsa 2- Create a directory on the remote host to store the keys ssh root@n01 mkdir -p .ssh 3- Copy the local host key into the remote host’s directory cat .ssh/ ..
Thanks to the original poster, please make sure to visit his original post here &nb..
Get the Cheat Sheet Here ! Got any more Cheat Sheet I should have ? Leave me a..
This command work with all Debian based OS. Open a command shell, and type the following: apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed ‘s,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,’) If you have the equivalent for CentOS, RedHat, Fedora, etc… Please le me know in the comments so I can add ..
Thanks to the original poster, please visit his post here: Only one note to add to this; the very last command installs the kernel, but specify the command for a x386 system. If you system is amd64, those commands wont work. This is the command for i386: # dpkg -i linux-image-3.12.0-customkernel_1_i386.deb linux-headers-3.12.0-customkernel_1_i386.deb This is ..
Type the following command to install NTP yum install ntp Turn on service chkconfig ntpd on Synchronize the system clock with server: ntpdate Start the NTP: /etc/init.d/..
Thanks to the original poster, please visit his post here: